Gemini 1412 (The Pharaon and Moses meet in each generation looking at a horoscope)

The Pharaon of the Age (1412):          The  Rabbi of the Age:

Sigismond of Luxemburg                     Rabbi Albo


The Prince : Ludovico III Gonzaga,_Marquis_of_Mantua


The Histroscope Sign of the Week: Gemini


Gemini as a Personality Trait: Openness

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Openness consists  of:

● Fantasy-prone ● Aesthetically-minded ● Philosophical ● Creative ● Intuitive ● Intellectual Stability







1477 Virgo

We have always two ancestors  (both davidic descendants) : a King /Pharaon and a Moses/Meshiah – Rabbi and they are looking at a newborn’s Prince Horoscope.

This week it is a Virgo –  denoting Conscientiousness.

(Has to plan everything.

Cannot stand to be late for an appointment.

Feel that I am being unproductive if I relax. )

Ferrante d’Este was born in 1477. (He was imprisoned after a failed assassination attempt against his brother, Cardinal Ippolito d’Este. Stayed in prison for 34 years.)

The year when Beatrix d’Aragon /an aunt of Ferrante/ arrived to Buda, as the new wife of King Mathias Corvinus.

The  most important King of this period was Ferdinand II of Aragon, father in law of Henry VIII and grandfather of Charles V.


His finance minister was Rabbi Abarbanel.







The Herzl-List – 1484: Pisces /Openness


We are looking for weekly psychological character traits – like Jordan Peterson mentions it and advises to think and write about some of them each week for ten minutes  –  to work on for our betterment.

They are embodies partly in Jewish Biblical topics partly in pagan Astrological themes – both are draft pictures of inner psychological processes.


/The work title used to be Proust List – because Proust has met my great-grandmother. But now I found out the my family ancestor was called Herzl before he chose a Hungarian name (Kecskemeti, or Kex-qu’emetti). We must have a famous sounding name for the project. This is  a planned   table game with the 48 boxes (like Monopoly) which are the 48 Weekly Bible Stories  with the Tribes and the corresponding Horoscopes. Later I will decide if the name of the game will refer to Proust or to Herzl. Not yet. )




It is about the Pharaon avatar asking a newborn Prince’s Horoscope from the contemporary Rabbi (who is the Moses – or Mashiah /Christ – , the davidic scion of that generation.

/Here we are one year after the death of Richard the IIId.  His successor (an Uncle) is Henry the VIIth – the father of Henry the III, who has married into the Aragonian family that had davidic ancestors.

And the Rabbi is Abarbanel who was the financial advisor Columbus (later forced to exile with all the Jews of Spain.)

In Hungary, King Mathias Corvinus  has occupied Vienna. His Majordomus, Zapolya had a daughter who married King Sigismond of Yagello – whose daughter (Hedwig) will be married to a Brandenburger, Hector II, the son of Nestor I. Joachim, who was born on the 21. February 1484. / (Of course most of this facts are not important – these are background ornaments only.)


This project is about collecting material about our ancestors – to see what are the archetypes that are common among Jewish ancestors and European Aristocratic ancestors in their fantasies.

Any average Christian family is raised partly among Jewish archetypes or Biblical legends – partly has around him legends of among pagan Hellenist astrological  origin. Both have a psychological self-search function.220px-Friedrich_Zweite_Alt


The photo: Frederic the Great of Brandenburg , the greatest Hohenzollern  descendant of the small Zapolya-Yagello-Brandenburger Prince who was born in the decade which we are looking at on our Date List.


/The planned table game – similar to Monopoly – will be played by 4 + 1 person. The Plus One is the Mashiah (Jesus) who plans to revive a few Rabbi ancestors of his – and asks him to show their contemporary Pharaons.   The four Davidic Non Jewish Kings will be Frederic the Great, Cristina of Sweden, Louis XIII and Sissy, The Habsburg Empress. They are trying to gather around them their relatives to try to help hem sort out their character defects. Similarly as in Monopoly we are trying to collect material items./



In the weekly Portion Ki Tetzey we see the law of the unfaithful woman –  and in the weekly mystical-psychological Bible interpretation Zohar we see Satan riding on the Serpent. This is the realm of Malkuth (Ownership) and Virgo (Sister).


The co-operation of Virgo and Pisces is about  caution and doubt. We must be  virginally cautious if our rational fishy mind is too doubtful and destroys value in our life.







Shoftim Week : 1619 Cyrano /Pisces – Openness : Rabbi Horowitz and Louis XIII of Bourbon

We are asked by Jordan Peterson  (an innovative Jungian professor in Canada) to write and think about our character issues each week some ten-twenty  minutes.


We have a  weekly sructure  of the weekly changing Bible melodies – and as they are repeated each year (paralelling traditional stellar horoscopes/ – the aim of which is too look into the past and how it impacts us.


In each generation (biblical 50 years from year 16/17 and 67/68 in the centuries) we Jews have a miracle Rabbi  ( a “Moses” who is supposed to come from the Davidic House to be able to embody the Mashiah/Christ if need be – the precondition being mutual love between strangers and enemies) who has weekly special soothing melodies and a knowledge of horoscopes (psychological temperament drafts) , so that his contemporary  King (who also is officially thru a 12th century marriage  – to the Davidic exilarch in Baghdad in order to be related to the Meshiah family /”Jesus”=Saviour/ of a Byzantine Emperor related to Aragons, and Yagellos and Arpads  and their descandants, Medicis, Gonzagas, Bourbons,  Stuarts, Hannoverians, Brandenburgers and Romanovs and Habsburgs asks him when there is an important birth around him.

This week we have the Prague/Jerusalem Rabbi Yehoshuah Horowitz  who wrote the book still consulted called “Shelah” (among others about the non-violent child-raising rules), who was famous of being kidnapped in Jerusalem  by the Ottoman Turkish sultan for ransom. (1625).

And we have  King Louis XIII of Bourbon (whose childhood abuses by court dames and regular whippings by the father, Henry IV  was recorded by his  physician and whom we know from Dumas’ The Three Musquetaires and from Merle) – and among this year’s birth  we have one legendary noble figure, Cyrano de Bergerac (who was immortalized later in  a famous drama). And he happens to be a Pisces.

This structure helps us to focus on an ancestral situation – pondering the character  trait/behavioral possibilities/ of some ancestors of us – on the underlying supposition that this past situation (revived with the melodies contained in it which we hear this week as it is the very same Bible melody sequence we read with our Rabbis today and which have been proved to have soothing impact in the  vicinities of temples) really may impact us today.


Everybody works constantly on  bettering or adjusting his behavioural traits – so if it can be proven that yes, a King and a Rabbi (the generation’s Moses and Pharaon) considered one such structure – it is in our interest to consider it too, although our emotional empathy level is different (it is  – maybe  – not so frequent that children are regularly whipped and rabbis must issue warnings against that)

The real month-change is  right this week, from Leo to Virgo. So we must look up their compatibility on the net: “The perfection of the Virgin comes as a hindrance to the disorganized lifestyle of the Fish. If the Piscean is able to teach the Virgin to bring out his feelings and let himself make a few faults and learn a bit of practicality from him, this love match has all the chances of being successful.”


széchy Mária

The Wife of the Palatine Wesselényi, Maria de Széchy (Aunt of Ilona Zrinyi and Ferencz I Rákóczy) whose former father-in law, Gabriel Prince Bethlen of Transylvania loses a battle against the Catholic Habsburg army (led by a Homonnay) and so the Protestant coalition (with England and Sweden) loses against the Habsburgs   who can now concentrate on stopping the Sultan in Vienna.  For Louis XIII it is the first 2 years of  his putch against his Mother’s regency, having killed her adjutant, Concini  whose wife, the best friend of the Queen, Leonora Galigai was Jewish (and had a doctor Rabbi, Eliyahu de Luna Montalto at her service as advisor.) Louis XIII was having an idol, a  platonic friend , De Vitry, who murdered Concini and  the Jewish witch was beheaded and put on fire – the Queen exiled to Blois (in 1617, the beginning of the first Century Jubilee).




1466. Gonzaga Prince marrying, Elisabeth of York born: rabbi Abarbanel – Re-eh Bible Portion – Gemini and Taurus /Openness/ in the Zohar (a Bible interpreting text)

Jordan Peterson says in his Self-Authoring site:

Set aside some time every week /or two/ – no more than ten or twenty minutes – to mentally review your performance.

You will gather all sorts of useful information that you can use to reconsider your plans, down the road.

Researchers have found that if someone performs goal-setting tasks multiple times over a long period, there is a greater chance of health and productivity improvements. As a result, you might wish to engage in this sort of exercise on a regular basis, every four, six, or twelve months, as your situation changes.”


Leo  – our weekly “geo-cosmic” sign is in Leo  the monthly “astro-cosmic” Sign this week.

It belongs to Openness in the Peterson scale.


Francesco Gonzaga’s (1466) marriage, and he birth of Elisabeth of York  /11 february, Pisces/ (sister of Richard the IIId, mother of Henry the VIIIth – and Rabbi Abarbanel (the age’s Meshiah) looking at his Horoscope.  The childhood of King Mathias Corvinus. Two Leos: a constant struggle for supremacy. But they are colored by  Taurus and Gemini (because the weekly text is about the two mounts that symbolize the two tribes Shimeon and Levi who belong to Taurus and Gemini. But relationships between two Taurus-Geminis are likely to be filled with miscommunication, which, like static, will tend to annoy others, among them Leo.
